Mark Bunker

Director of Production


Do you have a degree that “matches” the career you’re in now?

I do not, but its at least a related design field. I graduated from Syracuse University with a Bachelor of Industrial & Interaction Design (BIID). At the beginning of my career, I designed toys, home goods, and medical training devices. What started as just designing products expanded into creating packaging, branding, and, eventually, digital experiences. I loved how websites married my interests in design and marketing, so I decided to jump fully into web design and never looked back!

What was your dream job when you were ten?

I’m not 100% sure, but I recall really wanting to be a farmer when I was younger. My parents group up in Ohio, and my grandmother told me stories of growing up on a farm. When I retire, I think it would be awesome to have a big garden (or small farm).

Which historical/fictional character would you most like to meet?

Anthony Bourdain (but he's not really historical, I guess). No matter where he was in the world, or who he was with, it always seemed like he was able to sit down and make a connection with them. I’d love to pick his brain about what commonalities people have from all around the globe despite all of our vast differences.

6 Years at OM
OM Book Club - 1 Book
3 Lunch N Learns Completed
6 Podcasts Appearances
2 OM Blogs Posted
3 OM Videos Posted
IDEO: Storytelling for Influence
StoryBrand Marketing Workshop

Be and do rather than think and try.

Rick Rubin

The Creative Act: A Way of Being

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